Combat - Actions

A character in combat gets 2 actions per turn to perform activities chosen from the list below. There is no way to gain additional actions. The main list is for actions within the usual order of initiative, the second list covers actions which can be taken out of initiative order in reflexive response to being attacked or damaged.

Actions Within Initiative Order

  • Test: None

    The character may nominate a target. If they attack that target as their next action, they do not suffer any reduction to net successes for cover. This does not apply to concealment.

  • Test: None

    Your character may add brawl, melee or athletics to all defence checks for this round

  • Test: Physical + Combat Skill vs Physical (+ active defence if used)

    If the attacker wins, they may wound the defender. Base damage is 1 wound per remaining success after the defender’s are deducted. This damage is then capped based on the type of weapon being used, after which any relevant active or passive Discipline effects can be applied.

    If the attack is made using a stake, and at least three successes are sustained after deducting the defender’s successes, then the defender is immediately put into Torpor regardless of health

    Weapon Damage Caps:
    1 - Fists
    2 - Claws, Fangs, Small Weapons
    3 - One-handed weapons, bows
    4 - Two-handed weapons

  • Test: None

    The character may boost their Physical attribute by their blood effectiveness (up to the stat max of 5), or their Reaction defensive attribute by their blood effectiveness (to the stat max of 10). This lasts until this combat ends.

    • There is no Resolve test, boosting Stats automatically causes a drop on the hunger track.

    • This may only be done once per combat, it is not possible to stack boosts or boost both Physical and Reflexes.

    • Reflexes does not increase if the character’s Physical attribute has been boosted.

  • Test: Assuming they are able to feed on the character, there is no test until the diablerie is complete

    Feed on a character already in Torpor, at a rate of 2 blood/hunger per round if they have any left. This activity takes both of a character’s actions for the round. When all the blood is gone, it takes a further 5 consecutive full rounds to consume their soul.

    Once the process of consuming the soul has begun, the victim is dead. If the attacker pauses during these five rounds to perform an action - being attacked does not count as a pause (unless they are then pulled away) but the would-be Diablerist performing any active action (reflexive actions are allowed) themselves does - the opportunity to consume power is lost as the victim’s soul swiftly moves on to eternal damnation, everlasting paradise, or whatever else might lay beyond.

  • Test: Physical + Brawl vs Physical (+ active defence if used)

    If the attacker wins, they may drink from the defender. The amount of hunger track exchanged is 1. The attacker cannot use (or have used) active defence in this round.

  • Test: Resolve

    The character may heal a number of steps on the health track up to blood effectiveness.

    If the Resolve test fails, they drop a step on the hunger track.

    See the Combat Healing rules for more.

  • Test: None

    The character may move up to 3 metres. Passive Celerity adds one metre per dot to this maximum.

    If a character takes a move action and no aggressive actions, and is not attacked or fed upon during that round, they may opt to leave combat at the end of the round.

    Movement must occur before or after other actions and cannot be held or split.

  • Prerequisite: requires having made successful non-ranged attack in this round if the defender is unwilling

    Test: Physical vs Physical (if the defender is unwilling) .

    After the character’s successful non-ranged attack this round (defined as hitting, regardless of damage done), they may try to move the defender.

    If the attacker wins, they may move the defender 2 metres + 1 metre per dot of Potence

    NOTE: Please do not grab and pull another player! They can move themselves, OOC.

  • For other actions not covered here, checks will be determined by the STs.

  • Test: Varies by Discipline

    The character may try to use an active Discipline effect. If the effect has a duration, it will last until the end of this combat. If the effect requires spending blood, they will then need to test Resolve. If the Resolve test fails, they drop a step on the hunger track.

    NOTE: It is not possible to use powers which require eye contact on someone who is in combat

    NOTE: Pre-prepared ritual items/effects do not require a hunger check in combat, and should use a relevant other action. E.g. a ritually-prepared weapon uses an attack

Reflexive Actions

These actions can be taken outside of initiative - IE, when it is not the character’s turn. However, they do still take up one of the two actions the character has in that round.

  • Test: None

    Your character may add brawl, melee or athletics to all defence checks for this round .

  • Test: None

    The character may heal a number of steps on the health track up to blood effectiveness immediately, without using an action and without needing to wait until their initiative.

    This healing is applied after damage is applied, but before a vampire enters Torpor.

    This activity always causes a drop on the hunger track, without a test.

    See the Combat Healing rules for more.