System Basics

We wish to maintain the immersion within the game as much as possible, therefore we will be aiming in this game to use the simplest system in order to resolve any conflicts or checks which may occur. Our general priority system is as follows:

  1. Players resolve through RP

  2. Players resolve through Negotiation (and player run Black Bag Tests)

  3. ST resolves through Black Bag Test

  4. ST resolves through Simplified Social/Physical Combat

  5. ST resolves through Extended Social/Physical Combat

While we do prioritise allowing players to resolve some matters themselves, there will always be moments where an ST will need to be involved. Some examples of this are:

  • For any combat which will cause damage

  • For any Discipline use which involves non-consensual (from a character perspective) actions, including memory editing (no loopholes here, you know what we mean - use your common sense!)

  • Where the players cannot agree an approach or an outcome

  • For any ‘offstage’ action, any activity taking place outside of the RP space

  • For trying to clarify what a character knows about the setting or specific knowledge - players should not try to inform people OC about what their characters might know beyond the basics as we may have changed aspects of the setting. IC of course characters can share or lie about setting information that their characters know

For more information on negotiations and tests, see the sections below.

  • If players wish to try and resolve a matter without the involvement of an ST then they can attempt to do so. At the moment that a character initiates a conflict and the players look to involve an ST, the other player can offer to enter into a negotiation to resolve the matter between the players.

    In order to negotiate, the players involved should step aside to have a private discussion. The individual initiating the conflict should give a general idea of what they are wanting to do, and if an agreement can be reached between the two on the outcome then they can role-play it out without any checks involved.

    Should the players wish to make a simple check to semi-randomise the outcome then they can grab a public black bag and either:

    • Agree an appropriate test (see ‘Black Bag Test’ below), draw tokens, and then confirm the outcome and role-play it out.

    • Draw a single token from the black bag each and whoever draws lowest wins, for simple randomness.

    If there are no STs involved, then all tokens are considered black; the red and white tokens have no special effect.

    ST Involvement

    If at any point it becomes clear there is a contention on the outcome or how to resolve it then an ST should be called and involved to resolve the matter. We would also like to be notified in the following scenarios:

    • If negotiation is resolved successfully but it is likely to cause a significant disruption in the room, please call an ST to inform them briefly of what is about to happen, so we can provide any guidance needed.

    • If a matter is negotiated and resolved with a Black Bag Test and/or role-play without involving an ST, please let us know afterwards so that we are aware of the outcome and how you got there. If we perceive any inconsistency with the rules/system/setting then we can provide feedback for next time you have a similar situation. It’s also useful for STs to know what’s going on!

  • Black Bag tests are used for almost everything - the only exception being checks for changes in Road Rating - and the rules for black bag tests are described below.

    The Black Bag contains 15 tokens which are numbered 1 to 15. The tokens are all black apart from the token numbered 1 which is white and the token numbered 15 which is red.

    A Black Bag test involves the following process:

    • The player states what they are trying to achieve

    • Player checks only: Players agree what the attributes, skill/Discipline and modifiers (or alternative character trait) are, and so what the character's overall ability rating is for the test based on the total of those traits.

    • ST checks only: the ST will specify the relevant attributes/skills etc. are, and will ask each player what ability rating they wish to use, up to their maximum. This means that a player can use a lower rating than they actually have, to conceal how good they are at a particular activity. This disclosed rating will be used for the whole of the check and cannot be changed partway through.

    • If the character’s total/disclosed ability rating for the test is more than 10, then the ability rating will be capped at 10 for the test. But, for every 2 the character’s ability rating is over 10, they gain an additional automatic success as long as they have at least 1 success as a result of drawing tokens from the bag.

    • If the player has any relevant specialisms, they decide whether to apply the bonus to their ability rating. Specialisms from different types of sources do stack.

    • The player draws three tokens from the bag and each one which is equal to or less than their ability rating grants them a success.

    • If the character has any traits which allow them to redraw tokens the player may then do so.

    • If the player draws the white token, they gain a critical success which will either earn them an additional degree of success and/or another critical effect determined by the ST at the time.

    • If the player draws the red token, they gain a critical failure which will either lose them a success (which could reduce the net successes to 0 and lose them any automatic successes they would have gained) and/or the ST may impose a complication to the situation.

    • If the player gains no successes from drawing tokens, either because they did not get any equal to or less than their goal figure - or because they drew a single success and it was negated by drawing the red token, then they fail the check and lose any potential automatic successes they might have gained from exceeding the goal cap of 10.

    • If the character fails to draw a single success AND draws the red bead then they suffer a bestial failure (see below)

    • If the check is contested, the process is repeated for the other character(s), and the results are compared. Most successes wins, ties to be broken by the ability ratings being used (note: if a character has disclosed a lower rating than their maximum, it is the lower rating that is used when breaking ties), and then through random draw from the bag, lowest token wins.

  • What does success look like?

    The black bag allows characters to achieve varying degrees of success. Unless otherwise noted a standard success with a black bag test will require 2 successes to be achieved. With a single success the result will typically be limited but might also be flawed, misleading or sometimes the character may succeed… at a cost.

    If a character achieves more than 2 successes, then they have managed to gain more than a standard success and may achieve more than they originally set out to. The White token may add unexpected benefit, or simply act as an additional success and similarly the Red Token may add an unexpected consequence or simply remove a success. The ST will decide at the time to decide how the test resolves.

  • If during a Black Bag test a character fails to draw any successes AND draws the red 15 token, they suffer a bestial failure. They must make a test of Resolve against the difficulty of their Road Rating. If they fail, then they must sin against one of the Tenets of their Road, representing the Beast flexing its muscles and trying to loosen the character’s control over it.

    A player may choose to have their character commit this sin in session, in which case they have control over what sin is committed and how. If they choose not to, then the sin will occur during the following downtime, under ST control, but will likely be more substantial as the character has been holding off the beast for some time. Likewise if a bestial failure occurs in downtime, we will write this into the return.

  • Jurgen wishes to lightly Discipline a ghoul in his retinue.

    The player of the ghoul opts not to resist, as thematically he would accept punishment. The players agree that a check using Physical + Brawl will work, and that they do not require an ST.

    Jurgen’s ability rating for this is 13, and he has the Physical specialism of Strength, which is applicable. Jurgen decides that he will use his specialism as a redraw. His ability rating of 13 is capped at 10, and if his draw results in at least one overall success, he’ll get an additional one for being 3 over the limit.

    Jurgen draws the tokens 2, 5 and 12. This is 2 successes (tokens equal to or below the ability rating), plus 1 added for his ability rating. He uses his specialism to redraw the 12, and it becomes a red 15. The 15 negates one of his successes, meaning that he now has 1 normal success plus 1 for his ability rating. However as Jurgen has passed the test, he is able to deliver a casual backslap to his ghoul as a means of Discipline.

    Boden wishes to eavesdrop on a meeting

    The meeting is between two other characters, Titus and Andronicus. The three of them decide that an ST is needed, as the outcome of the check could mean disaster if the content of the meeting is overheard. The ST decides that Boden will need to make a check using his Physical + Stealth to get close enough without being seen or heard, and that Titus and Andronicus will each make a check using Mental + Alertness to notice him.

    Boden’s ability rating in Physical + Stealth is 8, and he has an applicable Dexterity specialism. He chooses to use his specialism for a +1 bonus, meaning his ability rating for this check is now 9. He draws the tokens 5, 9 and 11, meaning two successes overall.

    Titus’ ability rating in Mental + Alertness is 4, and he has no relevant specialisms. He draws the tokens 6, 9 and 13, meaning no successes overall as they were all above his ability rating. However as he did not draw the red 15, it is not a bestial failure. As he has less successes than Boden, he does not notice him.

    Andronicus’ ability rating in Mental + Alertness is 12, and they have no relevant specialisms. They draw the tokens 1, 5 and 14, meaning 2 successes plus an additional 1 from the white 1, and an additional 1 from their skill rating, for a total of 4. They will notice Boden as they have more successes than he does.

    The ST decides that the critical success means that Andronicus notices Boden as soon as he gets close, and can opt to steer the discussion away from sensitive topics before he is within earshot.