Conflict Resolution
The purpose of this conflict resolution process is to set out ways in which players can resolve Out of Character disputes without disrupting the main game, and to enable such conflicts to be resolved in healthy and transparent ways, so as to maximise safety and enjoyment for all concerned.
This process is written from the point of view of a player, but can also be initiated by a member of the ST team if needed.
If an Out of Character conflict should arise between players, these steps should be taken:
1 - Firstly, decide whether the issue can be resolved between you. This is the preferred option, as it is usually the least painful and disruptive. All parties involved must agree this is the case however.
2 - If the issue cannot be resolved purely between the parties involved, the next decision is whether or not the conflict can be resolved after the session, or at least after the current scene being played out. If it can, moving to the next step can be done once the scene or session has ended. If it cannot, take the next step immediately.
3 - Discussion of the dispute (whether immediate or after play has paused) should always be taken out of In Character areas, so as not to disrupt the game for others. The players involved should agree on an ST and ask them to step out to help resolve matters.
If players involved cannot agree on which ST to approach, or cannot even agree to allow the issue to be mediated in this manner, then any further discussion of the issue must wait until the session is over.
It is important to note here that we ask players NOT to enlist support from other players. Disrupting the game for others should be kept to a minimum, and resolving a conflict is much easier when the discussion is purely between those involved.
The only exception to this is where a player is unwilling or unable to represent themselves in this discussion, such as for mental or emotional reasons. In this instance, they may nominate one other player (with that player’s consent) to represent them, but must agree to abide by whatever resolution is agreed in their absence for the session, and then this resolution will be reviewed after the session with all parties.
4 - Assuming that an ST has been agreed and the dispute has been taken out of the area of play, the ST will seek to understand the crux of the conflict from all sides and provide mediation to help players find a fair resolution. This will be done with the assumption that:
All parties involved have honest intentions
All parties have valid viewpoints
Everyone wants the main game to continue to be as enjoyable as possible for them and everyone else
5 - During mediation, we will ask each person to state their position, after which we will also ask each other party involved to repeat their understanding of that position, and for the initial speaker to agree that they have been correctly understood.
This allows everyone to be clear on what the opposing viewpoints are, and often clears up any conflicts that have arisen due to misunderstandings.
6 - Where a point of conflict still remains, we will then encourage the involved parties to state how they feel it should best be resolved, and to consider meeting in the middle where possible. It is our belief that a reasonable compromise can be reached in the majority of disputes - if this is not the case, further mediation will need to be taken out of session.
In most cases, these disputes will not be recorded. If the discussion reveals a real risk factor, matters will be discussed within the ST team but are otherwise confidential. If in the view of the ST team, after such a discussion, the matter reveals health and safety issues, it may be escalated further.
Should a conflict need to be resolved out of session, the same assumptions and approaches will be used.