Drinking the blood of mortals or animals sustains a vampire, but typically does little else. However, drinking the Vitae of another vampire creates a bond of blood. This blood bond influences the feelings and perceptions towards their Regnant - the individual from which they drank.
A blood bond requires a substantial level of Vitae to be drunk in order to be established, not simply a few drops, and normally requires drinking directly from the vampire or from a vessel. Vampiric Vitae is much more potent than mere blood, and Kindred are aware of the smell and taste of it. Attempting to deceive another Kindred into drinking it is very difficult.
The influence of having another kindred’s Vitae in a character’s body is limited at first, but by drinking multiple times before the influence fades, the strength of this influence increases.
Stages of Blood Bonds
First Stage: The drinker begins to find themselves infatuated with the vampire that they have drunk from. They may find themselves wishing to spend more time with them and frequenting the same places where they might show up. They might dream about them or find themselves talking about them often.
There is no mechanical effect at this stage, but it should be roleplayed. All childer initially have this level of bond toward their sires, for the Embrace itself requires one drink from the sire. The childe may love their Vampiric parent, hate them, or both, but rarely are they indifferent.Second Stage: The drinker finds their feelings have grown strong enough to influence their behaviour, as the vampire they have drunk from becomes an increasingly important part of their life.
They may act as they please, but must make a Willpower test, requiring 2 successes, in order to directly harm their regnant. Additionally, their Regnant gains an additional specialism bonus when performing any tests or making use of Disciplines with the Social attribute against them.Third Stage: A full blood bond has now been formed. At this level, the drinker is completely bound to the vampire. The Regnant is the most important person in their life; lovers, relatives, and even children become secondary to this all-consuming passion.
A thrall must succeed on a Willpower test to do something against the Regnant’s interest, and succeed with 3 successes to directly harm or consider harming their regnant. Additionally, defensive Social and Mental test pools to resist the Regnant’s powers suffer a -3 penalty.
A drinker can experience one- and two-sip bonds toward several individuals, but upon the formation of a full blood bond, any lesser bonds are wiped away. This does not prevent new one- and two-sip bonds being formed.
Duration of the Bond
Bonds last for a length of time dependent on the level of the bond. A one-step bond will last until the thrall has spent a year without meeting or speaking to their Regnant, if this time expires the bond fades completely.
A two-step bond will last until the thrall has spent six months without meeting or speaking to their Regnant, after this time the bond fades to a one-step bond.
A three-step bond has to be reinforced regularly. If the thrall does not drink from their Regnant for three months then the bond will fade to a two-step bond.
The clock on the bond resets at the point the social contact is made or the Vitae is drunk.
Maintaining Blood Bonds
As a single downtime action, a character may take the time to reaffirm any number of active blood bonds that they have. This covers travelling to locations to meet their thralls and spending the necessary time interacting with them. If a thrall is actively trying to avoid meeting with their Regnant in hopes of breaking the bond, an appropriate test will be made by the STs.
Feeding or receiving blood as part of maintaining a blood bond over a downtime period has an impact on both the Regnant and the thrall in terms of feeding.
Regnant: One and Two-step blood bonds can be maintained through social contact, but in order to establish a new bond, increase a one or two-step bond or maintain a three-step bond requires regular Vitae from the regnant. The impact on the Regnant’s feeding is the same as though they were maintaining an additional Ghoul over the downtime period.
Thrall: When a thrall’s Regnant establishes a new bond, maintains a three-step bond or increases a one or two-step bond, they need their thrall to drink their Vitae. For the thrall, this means that they are drinking not just blood but the powerful Vitae of another kindred, This will provide a bonus to their feeding check for the downtime period, similar to the effect of having an additional point of herd.