In 955, 35 years ago, the Truce of Lechfeld was established by a number of powerful kindred from across the Region. The truce was a result of almost a century of the Magyar (Hungarian raiders) invasions of the western regions to raid and pillage. While many kindred enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the opportunity to sate their thirsts or settle personal grievances amid the chaos of conflict, older kindred in the region had the foresight to see the dangers that prolonged conflict threatened and after the Magyars were firmly defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld in the Duchy of Swabia they were forced to concede to a truce and cessation of hostilities and raiding for 50 years. It was no great loss for the Voivodes and Magyar forces who have begun raiding south and east instead, but three decades of relative peace has sat better with some than others and tempers appear to be flaring. It seems the truce may well be fraying at the edges…
The Pawnbroker's domain is at the heart of any likely conflict between east and west and he has a reputation as a mediator in such matters. Therefore it has surprised few when invitations were sent inviting representatives from domains across the region to attend an event where they could discuss and attempt to resolve any disputes which may have been causing infractions of the truce. Whether you seek to engage in these discussions, undermine them, come to enjoy the festivities, further your own agenda or are merely a resident of the domain you have chosen to travel to attend this rare gathering of kindred from across the domains.