Physical Merits
One of your character’s senses is exceptionally sharp, and they gain an advantage from its use. You can choose to augment your character’s sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste.
When using this enhanced sense, your character gains the effects of the very basic effects of the Auspex Discipline (with no additional keywords). If they already have that power, you do not have to make a hunger check to enact the Heightened Senses effects.
Your character is good at taking risks and even better at surviving them.
When attempting exceptionally dangerous Physical actions, such as leaping from one moving carriage to another, your character gains a specialism to the action. If they engage multiple opponents on their own, they receive a specialism to your physical defence.
Your character’s physical systems are extremely efficient, and they gain more than the usual nourishment from blood.
When feeding from animals, the amount of Blood they gain is not reduced by half. When feeding from mortals, they require only one success on the feeding roll. Efficient Digestion only works on mortal or animal blood; it does not work on vampire blood, including vampire blood ingested by ghouls.
Even while mortal, your character didn’t seem to get sick. Now, they do not need to be careful about spreading or contracting disease.
While the dawn renders most vampires sleepy and sluggish, your character has the unusual capacity to force themselves fully awake.
A character with this merit can remain vigilant for up to one hour after sunrise and wakes up one hour before sunset.
Additionally, they can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger and do so without sluggishness or hesitation.
For two points your character’s health track has one additional box, increasing it from 4 to 5.
For four points they have two additional boxes, increasing health to 6.
Either your character is extremely lithe, incredibly dexterous, or amazingly sharp-witted; whatever the reason, they have the uncanny ability to avoid damage. They gain a Specialism bonus to active defence during combat.
Your character is adept in one general area of activities. Taking this merit allows you to choose a second specialism for your character’s Physical, Mental or Social attribute.
This Merit may be taken more than once, but may only apply to a given attribute once. By taking it twice your character could have one extra specialism on both Mental and Social, but not two extra specialisms on any.
Mental Merits
Your character has seen everything, done everything, and been everywhere. They are notoriously difficult to impress, and have a knack for looking at facts without emotional coloration. They are also likely to notice when not all of their senses are matching up.
Your character may make a retest when resisting the effects of Dementation, Obfuscate or Presence.
A retest allows them to completely retake the bead draw, returning their existing beads and testing again. The player may then choose if they take their original result or the new result.
Your character has a great deal of control over their emotions, and can maintain calm even in outrageous situations. They gain a specialism bonus to your checks to resist Frenzy (not Rötschreck).
Brujah cannot take this merit.
You have long studied the movements of the firmament and have gained an intrinsic knowledge of their movement, always knowing the precise time of night and what celestial objects are in the sky.
You know roughly the correct time and know how long it will be until the sun begins to rise.
By achieving a level of mental control worthy of martial arts masters or intensely dedicated scholars, your character has mastered a rigid thought structure. They can use this internal resolution to focus the mind, resisting torture, intimidation, and powers that directly attempt to control them.
Your character may make a retest when resisting the effects of Auspex, Animalism, and Dominate. Iron Will cannot be used to retest attempts to pierce Obfuscate or Chimerstry, but it does grant the bonus when attempting to resist keywords such as Telepathy.
A retest allows them to completely retake the bead draw, returning their existing beads and testing again. The player may then choose if they take their original result or the new result.
Your character is a veritable font of knowledge and has spent a great many years studying history, discovering secrets, and hoarding valuable information.
They can assign two primary Lore specialisations, and two secondary and tertiary when they would qualify for them, rather than one.
Some individuals have excellent minds for retention and association, capable of learning multiple languages with ease. Your character is one such.
You can assign double the number of additional languages for each dot of the Linguistics skill purchased.
Due to some facet of your character’s history, whether it is intense training or simply natural talent, they are prodigally gifted with a single skill. When using this skill, they may apply a specialism bonus. You must still spend XP as normal to purchase that still to its maximum level.
For three points this can apply to a multiple field skill, however it only ever applies to the fields of aptitude a player has selected.
Social Merits
Your character is known by another alternate identity, an established persona that stands up to some scrutiny and investigation. This is useful for manipulating others and a valuable commodity in its own right; likely a product of toil and effort over many years. The depth and importance of this identity is determined by the number of points spent on this merit.
For two points this merit provides an alternate identity which has been established for a few years (up to eight). From a mortal identity this is fairly well established but it would not necessarily be known to those who would not have dealings with you. So for example, a noble wouldn't necessarily be known outside their immediate sphere of hanger-ons and social groups, a merchant may only be known by their business associates, and a priest may only be known by members of the religious establishment. In Cainite affairs, your character is all but unknown and many may be suspicious of your embrace.
For three points your character’s identity has been established for several decades (up to thirty years) and your character’s mortal reach is much further. In Cainite circles, your character is a recognised Neonate or Ancilla of a court of your choice but is not well known outside it. You may buy up to two points of Status for your character’s Alternate Identity.
For five points your identity is long established, allowing you to pass yourself off as an Elder amongst the courts with several other Kindred able to verify you as a member of their clan. You may buy Status to any level for your character’s Alternate Identity.
If bought in character generation this is the starting position. Any Alternate Identity will require maintenance and regular interactions to remain relevant. The higher the character’s status and importance the more frequency they will need to appear.
This makes a Prince a vastly harder alternative Identity to maintain than an out-of-favour rural Elder. At any level this merit can be easily lost with the wrong words or an impetuous action.
Your character holds a position of power within a Domain. This grants them a more public position in Cainite affairs and grants you greater status within the Domain where they hold the position.
Your character will start in this position, but may well lose the position in play. Furthermore any characters which gain these positions through play will not need to purchase this merit.
Your character has built up a network or group who will be put out by your character’s death. When your character dies, they will investigate and attempt their own revenge against the culprit.
For four sessions after the death of your character, the character who killed them gains the Hunted flaw.
This merit precludes you playing a Continuation Character.
Through hard-work, extraordinary good fortune or the blessings of the mighty, your character has somehow found themselves in the possession of a significant boon owed by an NPC Elder of some importance.
Perhaps they were given it by their sire, saved the debtor’s life or were rewarded for diligent effort; however they came upon it, it is registered to your character and is theirs to use as they please.
For three points, this NPC Elder owes your character a Major Boon. For five points, the NPC Elder owes your character a Blood Boon.
Through some means, be it demonstrations of devotion or working their way up from a humble servant, your character has gained membership of a faction.
While they have this Merit, it prevents your character’s influence standing with the faction from dropping below Acknowledged, and will also offer some additional lore about that faction and its goals.
For a local faction the cost is 2 points, for regional it is 3, and for a global faction the cost is 4.
Through their unique management style, your character has been able to arrange for an Asset to have a Keyword added to it that this kind of Asset would normally not support.
This Keyword can only be used when your character is managing the business.
Your Character is ruler of a Domain. They hold Praxis and may rule as they see fit, as in this era there are no institutions to set and enforce the rules, so a Prince (or whatever title they choose to style themselves with) is free to do as they may.
Because of this a Prince sets a great deal of the tone of their Domain, as they set the laws and determine how they are enforced within. It is by their will various Court Positions exist at all and many only possess ones that are required for the way their domain is run. Princes have the last word in their domain, and all are quick to punish those who plot or act against them.
You may not use this merit to claim praxis over Vienna. Your character will start in this position, but may well lose the position in play. Furthermore any characters which gain this position through play will not need to purchase this merit.
Whether or not your character does have the ear of powerful figures in vampire society, they have maintained the appearance of being someone whose opinion such figures respect for long enough that prominent vampires now assume your character’s opinions are more worthy of consideration.
You gain one extra Trivial Boon each session. If your character’s Status drops below 3 this Merit is lost.
Your character’s name (and perhaps image) is known far and wide through either mortal or Cainite society. They might have been an Emperor of the Roman Republic, a great war hero or done some deed since being embraced which means their name is far more commonly known.
This increases starting Status by one rank, but can be lost if your character is perceived to be incompetent (whether this is true or not).
While your character’s domitor is absent from the courts and meetings of the area, their influence still looms large enough for some reason that vampires are more inclined to heed your character’s requests, either in hope of attracting their domitor’s good favour or avoiding their bad.
However, relying on this borrowed authority too much risks your character’s domitor wondering if they are too ambitious, or too likely to draw them into whatever situation they are trying to avoid by sending your character in to represent them in the first place.
You gain two extra Trivial Boons each session. If your character uses a Trivial Boon to make a public declaration, then you must include a justification in your downtime return of how this advances your character’s task, or confirm that it was not done to advance the Task. Depending on your answer, the ST Team may apply a consequence to reflect your character’s domitor disapproving of the misuse of their name.
Your character starts knowing something they really should not. It might be something that would work very well in hands other than theirs, or that they are sure they can get something for. It might be something others would like very much to keep hidden. Either way it gives your character a leg up on the competition.
Either the player asks for a type of secret (or secrets of an appropriate cost) or the Storyteller team will provide secrets up to a certain value. Any secrets will be about NPCs or the environment, not about other player characters.
Jerome, a Lasombra Ancilla, is aware that the Prince of his city is in a relationship with her Sheriff. They are rarely spotted together but he has seen them on several nights down on the cliffs above the docks staring out into the Mediterranean. This is a one point secret.
Ugolino, a Ventrue Ancilla, spotted Jerome and his Coterie dragging away a staked Elder he believes to be Bishop Ozziolo Fieschi. He is fairly sure this has been done as part of a job for Jerome’s sire, who is noted to have a rivalry going with the Bishop, that he has evidently decided to end. Ugolino even thinks he has a good idea where the Bishop has been stashed. This is a three point secret.
Dmitri, a sometimes ally of Jerome’s, is aware that Jerome’s sire Tediso is in fact a Methusalah named Thucydides. The Methusalah has killed or outlived many who once knew him and strictly hides how old or powerful he is. He is also aware that while Thucydides may not be Prince, he is the power in the city and everyone else is doing his bidding, entirely unawares. This is a five point secret.
Supernatural Merits
It is said that the blood of the first vampire could support all Disciplines and had no intrinsic disposition. Your character’s blood holds a faint trace of that quality and manifests four in-clan Disciplines rather than three. Choose one common Discipline as a fourth in-clan Discipline.
Your character does not start with a free dot (or dots) in this fourth in-clan Discipline. Once learned, they can teach this Discipline. Powers that affect in-clan Disciplines affect it, and you pay all costs to learn this Discipline as if it were native to your character’s clan.
You may select from the following common Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, and Presence. This merit cannot be combined with other merits that give your character additional in-clan Disciplines.
Choose one uncommon Discipline as a fourth in-clan Discipline.
Your character does not start with a free dot (or dots) in this fourth in-clan Discipline. Once learned, they can teach this Discipline. Powers that affect in-clan Disciplines affect it, and you pay all costs to learn this Discipline as if it were native to your character’s clan.
You may select from the following. uncommon Disciplines: Protean, Dementation, Obtenebration, Serpentis, Quietus and Vicissitude. This merit cannot be combined with other merits that give your character additional in-clan Disciplines.
Your character knows an alternate third Discipline, either due to being a member of a different caste or bloodline, or stranger reasons. This merit allows you to swap your character’s Discipline spread for one of the alternate ones available to your Clan.
For example, it allows you to have the Sorcerer Child of Haqim spread of Auspex, Dur-an-ki and Obfuscate, or be a member of the Tzimisce Dracul, having Dominate instead of Koldunic Sorcery.
Your character is mystically shrouded from notice. People they interact with only briefly will not remember their presence unless they have been specifically pointed out or have called attention to themselves. Even records related to your character disappear; ink rapidly fades from the vellum or just vanishes entirely.
This effect gives no benefit to Stealth and doesn’t handicap people who know your character personally, such as other PCs, but individuals who your character meets in passing have difficulty recalling details about who they are. This is both a benefit, and potentially a mild annoyance.
Your character is a prodigy in a particular discipline, showing great promise in it since shortly after your embrace. You picked up the basics easily and swiftly and even the more complicated theory of the disciplines comes easily to you.
Your character may learn one more Masterword than your character would otherwise be allowed, regardless of Generation limits.
Your character seeks an enlightened state of being. This has many names depending on the Road that they walk. For many it is best known as Golconda.
By taking or earning this merit your character has taken the first step along the path…
Your character seems to simply be naturally resistant to enchantment. They gain a retest when resisting the effects of ritual magic, and the powers of mages.
However, they can never learn any ritual magic. If they possess ritual magic when you purchase this merit, they lose access to those powers for as long as the merit is held.
A retest allows them to completely retake the bead draw, returning their existing beads and testing again. The player may then choose if they take their original result or the new result.
Your character has a natural ability to sense the veil and what lies behind it. With some effort, and a small ritual, they are able to focus their senses to perceive the veil and entities from beyond it who may be attempting to contact or interact with the corporeal world.
With a more substantial ritual, like a seance, your character is able to attempt to contact these spirits and allow such entities to use them as a host. Although allowing spirits such access has its own inherent risks and for many mediums they are unaware of what transpires while their form is being used.
Both of these abilities require an active ritual to be undertaken with the relevant ritual materials along with a Mental + Occult check to be made to see how successful the effect is. In addition, a Medium gains a specialism when attempting to intimidate, soothe or otherwise persuade a neutral or friendly spirit. This applies when contacting spirits using this merit or when doing so through other Disciplines.
Finally, due to your character’s connection to the spirit world, they stand out to those beyond the veil and may attract some unwanted attention as a result of taking this merit.
Your character is held up as a shining beacon of their Road, a dedicated and devout follower of those beliefs and philosophies in Cainite society. They hold themselves and all others to a higher standard, and in doing so have an additional Tenet as part of their Road.
This devotion allows you to more easily raise your character’s Road (due to the additional Tenet that can be achieved in session), as long as they selflessly keep to their principles. For if they do not, it is an easy and long fall for those standing so high.
If the character changes from the Road they were on when this merit was acquired, then it is lost.
Although your character’s aura is pale, and they have most of the spiritual hallmarks of a vampire, their flesh retains a semblance of the human condition. They appear alive and healthy, their skin is warm to the touch, and they can pretend to be human more easily than other vampires.
Additionally, they have the capacity to draw greater enjoyment from physical intimacy, as well as eat and drink as a mortal does and can even savour the taste of such refreshments. This intimacy still cannot result in pregnancy and while they do not derive nourishment from this food, and will need to remove it from their system at a later date, the ability to eat is a benefit to a vampire who is pretending to be human.
These benefits are lost should your character leave the Road of Humanity.
In this era, many claim the whispering of angels or the glimpses of the future through the divine right of God. Cainites who may hold from more ancient times will recall the nights when goat entrails were read on mountaintops or sacrifices made to older gods. Either way people have long claimed knowledge and the ability to predict the future. Many of course are charlatans and blackguards, but rarely one truly does possess this extraordinary gift, though they are often disbelieved or overlooked.
With this merit your character is one of them. Although they might require some sort of ritual, depending on their own particular method of prognostication, most often their glimpses of pivotal moments in the future come without warning. They might be harassed by distant sounds echoing backwards through time, or might receive terrifyingly vivid mental images of a single future moment.
The Storyteller may require a test to make sense of your character’s prophetic signal. Prophecies may be important or insignificant and may relate to the future of the world or your character’s future alone.
Your character is not part of a Clan that has a Ritualist tradition and yet they have received training in the art of ritual sorcery, despite it being a guarded secret. Somehow, in your character’s past, they were trained by a magician or sorcerer or perhaps gained access to forbidden texts, and they have gathered enough skill to become proficient in Ritual Magic.
This merit gives your character access to one of the following, if it would not normally be an option via their Clan: Anku, Dur-an-ki, Koldunism, Necromancy - or stranger and darker magics. Beware though, the clans that regularly practice these magicks do not often share them willingly with outsiders and may object to outsiders knowing their secrets.
Your character was born into one of the ancient revenant bloodlines created by the Tzimisce. While they are not a vampire, their blood (un)naturally contains a whisper of vampiric power significantly extending their lifespan and granting you access to certain Disciplines without needing instruction.
Additionally, your character’s natural lifespan counts as 250 for the purposes of determining the impact of not having recently fed on vampire blood.
Through some curious circumstances, your character has formed a relationship with a member of another supernatural race.
For 3 points, this person is cautiously willing to use their unique skills to aid your character but will not disclose information about their kind or act against their race’s interests.
For 5 points they are willing to answer questions about their race as long as doing so does not expose weaknesses that their kind have, and will occasionally act against their race’s interests.
This merit can be taken multiple times, each time it is taken it will upgrade an existing ally but can only apply to an individual ally once.
The ST team will limit the number of supernatural entities or the specific individuals you can choose to have as allies, so please discuss with them before making plans.
Perhaps your character did not entirely die when they were Embraced, or perhaps the vampiric blood in their system altered their physiology less than others. They register as a mortal on all attempts to determine their creature type.
Further, your character’s aura is unnaturally bright for a vampire, and animals cannot sense their Beast (they act as though your character is a mortal). If your character’s Road drops to 4 (temporarily or permanently), this merit ceases to function until their Road is once more raised above 4.
Clan-Specific Merits
In life your character was a talented orator, inclined to quicken the blood and rally people to great heroism. Their words are stirring and if they perform a speech, lasting no less than thirty seconds and lasting no longer than two minutes, any character who hears it may gain one of the following effects:
May gain a specialism bonus to one action related to the subject of the speech that will last until the end of that Night.
May ignore the effects of Rotschreck for up to 15 minutes, starting from the beginning of speech.
A character can only be under one effect of one speech at any one time.
Those that spurn and resist the allure and majesty of the Brujuh suffer for it. When another character successfully resists your character’s Presence-based effects, they take 1 point of irresistible damage, as your character’s beast tears at their emotions damaging them spiritually.
This effect only happens on Presence abilities that target an individual not a group.
Your character draws power from the energy of death. Anytime a sentient creature (mortal or supernatural) dies within your line of sight, your character immediately regains one category of hunger.
This Blood acts in all ways like normal Blood. This effect does allow your character to reach full, as they are feeding on the force of life and death, which pleases your Beast. The death of non-sentient beings, such as animals, and the death of constructs, does not provide this benefit.
Your character is considered important enough by the clan to be assigned a member of the Lamia bloodline as a bodyguard or has attracted the eye of the bloodline for other reasons. The Lamia are (mostly) followers of Derech Lilit and see such a charge as both protector and guide, acting as mentor as much as bodyguard.
This merit upgrades an existing ally into a special Cappadocian Ally, who is specifically vested in ensuring your character’s growth and survival. They ultimately however report to someone more important than your character and will likely be reporting your actions to their superiors.
Your character is trained to attack from surprise. You may claim a Specialism bonus when your character is attacking an opponent who is unaware of their presence. You only receive this bonus once per combat, because after that your character’s opponent is aware they are being attacked which ruins any further surprise.
Your character possesses a melee weapon that has been given a magical name, as part of an enchantment by a member of the Sorcerer caste. You may use a combat action to call the weapon’s name and it appears in your character’s hand. This occurs regardless of the weapon’s original location.
You must have room to hold the weapon when it appears; the weapon cannot appear inside of a solid object. If the weapon is broken or destroyed, it will reform (as good as new) when this power is activated.
If this power is used to reform the weapon, it appears exactly as it was first forged. If the weapon was modified or coated with blood, those modifications are removed when the weapon is reformed.
Anyone foolish enough to taste a point of your character’s Blood becomes addicted to it. The next time this creature has the chance to drink from your character, they must resist with a Willpower test to turn down the opportunity. This expenditure allows the victim to resist their addiction for the next 10 minutes without further expenditure.
After resisting your character’s Blood in this manner five times consecutively, the addiction is broken. If your character has Presence with an appropriate Keyword, anyone who drinks a point of their Blood also becomes affected by any Presence effect used by your character for the rest of the night.
Setites enjoy developing cults and herds of worshippers. Whether these devotees are fanatic slaves, adoring followers, or sex-crazed aristocrats, these cultists serve without question.
These mortals adore their vampiric master — whether or not they know their true nature. You may define this cult in any way you choose. Perhaps they worship Set, or Caine, or even your character. They may have ecstatic parties and orgies, or participate in any rituals.
Your character gains a personal Asset with the Holy Ground keyword and one additional of the following keywords: Haven, Host, Blood or Buying. You also gain one point of the Thralls background to represent your cult.
Your character has spent all of their unlife in the wilderness, be it the Alps, the forest or places many fear to tread. They have stalked animals and been stalked in turn.
Because of this they are an impeccable tracker and gain a specialism bonus to tracking efforts.
Unlike many of your fellow Gangrel you have the ability to change into a creature beyond that of a wolf or bat with your Protean.
When this merit is taken, pick one additional form, which must be a predator. This creature must be bigger than a field mouse and no larger than a bear.
In combat it takes one less combat action (to a minimum of instant) to manifest your character’s active Protean powers, however they must still do so on their initiative.
Your character gains an Appearance specialism, and when they would appear inhuman they default to alluring and seductive rather than monstrous.
Your character is a student of the Abyss. They gaze deep into the dark and have garnered deeper secrets about it than most Lasombra ever learn. With it comes greater power but also deeper dangers and knowledge perhaps left unknown. After all, when you gaze into the Abyss, it also gazes back at you.
Your character gains access to the Rituals of Abyssal Mysticism, treating Obtenebration like a Ritual Discipline.
Your character has special insight into the universe, and their consciousness has expanded beyond the understanding of more limited minds.
They gain a second Mental attribute specialism in addition to the normal Mental specialism selected during character creation.
Your character sees the flaws and fallacies of the universe, the broken edges and shattered reflections that ripple out from every action. They occasionally remember things that didn’t happen or have alternate-timeline impressions of people they know.
This gives your character a distorted perception of the world, but it can be useful when their life is in danger. They can side-step blows before they are thrown; move out of the radius of explosions or away from falling objects before they strike. Even Mental and Social powers have a difficult time invading their mind, as they are fortified within these strange ripples of insanity.
Once per game session, when your character is called upon to resist a hostile action with a test, or when they are required to make a test that could result in injury, you may reduce your character’s hunger track by one to automatically win the challenge or avoid the situation entirely. Sophistry can be invoked at any time, even before your character’s turn in the initiative order.
When Sophistry is used to avoid an attack, your opponent is considered to have failed to affect your character. In the case of certain powers, this result may prevent your character from being immediately targeted again by the same power.
Your character’s Nosferatu heritage grants exceptional talent with the powers of Obfuscate. Individuals using Auspex (or similar powers) do not automatically realise there is an Obfuscated person nearby when they are near your character.
Additionally, your character’s Obfuscate powers remain active even if they are asleep or in Torpor. For this aspect of Hidden Advantage to function, they must activate an Obfuscate power before going to sleep (or before falling into Torpor). However, your character’s Obfuscate power can still be penetrated with Auspex (or similar powers) without awakening them.
Your character’s Embrace left them horribly mutated, more so than most of their clanmates. Because of this revolting mutation, you may choose two of the following special abilities for your character:
Patagia: A thick membrane stretches between your character’s arms and torso. If they fall from a damaging height, they can spread their arms and use these proto-wings to glide safely to the ground. If your character has 2 or more dots of Potence, they can fly short distances. If this is during combat, then by spending both actions on movement they may fly three steps.
Slimy: Your character’s body is coated with a thick layer of slime. They can easily slip out of grapples, taking one combat action to do so, no matter what is pinning them. Likewise, they can slip out of ropes or chains if left unaccompanied or unwatched for a minute.
Webbed Fingers: Your character is more adept at swimming, doing so faster because of their longer and webbed fingers and toes. You gain a specialism bonus when swimming.
You may take this merit multiple times.
Your character’s faith and the fury of their spirit, when unleashed, is a palpable thing. Your character receives a +3 bonus to Brawl and Melee attack test pools when targeting a character who possesses demonic powers, infernal merits or investments. You also gain +1 damage (which may take you above the cap) against a target who possesses these.
Righteous Fury requires a conscious act of faith, you must declare that you are using Righteous Fury when you announce the target of your character’s attack. If that target doesn’t meet the qualifications, this merit provides no bonus.
All characters are aware of a successful use of this merit; brilliant white light erupts from the Salubri’s fist or weapon, radiating through the blow with the terrifying radiance of faith. Vampires who see this effect may not recognize it, but they feel a perceptible fear wash over them at the sight.
Centuries of faith and dedication are carried within Salubri blood. Your character can decrease their hunger by one level when they are targeted by a demonic power (typically granted by a Merit or some other investment).
If they do, they automatically resist the use of that power. This effect can be used at any time, even before your character’s initiative in a combat round. A character with this merit cannot learn demonic powers, purchase infernal merits, utilise infernal investments, or learn the Daimoinon Discipline.
Your character has learnt the secrets of another branch of the Salubri, allowing your character to use their version of Valeren in addition to your own. This allows a Healer to use effects normally only available to a Warrior or a Watcher to only use effects of a Healer. It may also open stranger combinations.
This allows your character to take an additional Defining Keyword for Valeren.
The Toreador spend vastly more of their time among mortals than their fellow Kindred. Through practice and restraint, many can resist their more base urges amongst mixed company.
Your character has learned how to hide and restrain the hunger of the beast, gaining a specialism bonus to resist hunger checks.
By spending time within a dedicated location which is dedicated to your character’s particular fixation (such as an artistic studio, a torture chamber, a feast), you can reduce the impacts of your character’s Tolls without going into Torpor.
Characters with this merit may use a special Downtime Action to reduce one Toll by one level without going into Torpor.
Christianity and its superstitions have not yet spread to many of the Eastern European fortresses of the Tzimisce.
Many of the older Kindred remember the glories of Rome and through spies and trade are aware of the great strides being made in the Levant and further east in Alchemy, Mathematics, Architecture and Engineering. Several have thought to try out principles discussed with the use of their spirits.
Tzimisce with this merit, can more easily effect combined or blended spirits (such as Steam or Lightning spirits) and get results from them that astonish other Kolduns. Many develop elaborate or strange rituals that few others bear witness to.
Your character adds the Supernatural keyword to an Asset that is also your haven.
In addition, your character can also use a quantity of their home soil as a replacement for any component in a ritual as long as the ritual does not call for a component that is specific to your target, such as blood or hair.
Your character has control of a Revenant line, either because it was a line they and their line were responsible for crafting or one your character and their line have seized from its creators.
All of your character’s ghouls and retainers are members of this line, gaining the benefits of being Revenants. In addition this gives your character the benefits of the Faction Membership with the Tzimisce Voivodate.
As the royalty of vampire society, the clan of Kings brooks no disobedience from mere peons.
Non-supernatural mortals struggle to resist your character’s Presence and Dominate powers. When targeting a mortal or ghoul with Presence or Dominate, you gain a specialism bonus.
Once per combat, this allows your character to activate a Presence power instantly without spending a combat action.
You can activate this merit even outside of your character’s turn, or at the very start of a combat.