
Caine was the first. Each generation of vampire descended from him increases in generation, their blood lacking the same potency as their progenitor. A vampire sired by Caine would be of 2nd generation, their progeny would be of 3rd generation and so a vampire created as a member of the 10th generation would be nine steps removed from Caine. 

While there is no commonly known way to thin a kindred's blood, thereby increasing their generation, it is very possible for a kindred to lower their generation through committing the act of diablerie on another vampire of a lower generation. If a vampire of 8th generation were to diablerise a vampire of 6th generation, then their own generation would lower one step to 7th generation. The act of diablerie involves devouring the soul of the victim, and is looked on unfavourably by many kindred, especially those who fear such an act being performed on themselves.

 In the Dark Ages and Middle Ages the majority of the kindred sired are of a lower generation than in the 21st century, and as such all kindred begin the game at 11th Generation. Each point purchased at character generation will lower the starting generation of the character by one. It is up to the player to decide whether their character began their unlife at that generation or whether they started at a higher generation and have committed Diablerie in order to lower it. If the latter, then it is advisable to purchase flaws to reflect the consequences of such an action.

Level Rating
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ 11th Generation
⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪ 10th Generation
⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ 9th Generation
⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪ 8th Generation
⚫⚫⚫⚫⚪ 7th Generation
⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ 6th Generation

Benefits/Negatives of Generation

The following elements are affected by a character’s generation:

  • In combination with Age, Generation increases starting Attribute points.

  • The maximum number of Masterwords that a character can have across all Disciplines is equal to ten minus their generation

  • The power of the blood and therefore the length of the character’s hunger track and their blood effectiveness - how much is gained when calling on the blood

  • Prevents the use of dominate on a character by a kindred of a lower generation and prevents them from being able to affect people mentally dominated by kindred of a lower generation

  • There are many who would hunt down and devour those with more potent blood than their own