the Followers of Set

Sobriquets: Setites, Serpents, Corruptors (Derogatory)

Status in Vienna: Low Clan

Clan Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis

Unique Non-Clan Discipline: Akhu

Clan Flaw: Ra’s Mark. Some Followers of Set claim that they are shaped by their God’s divine role as guardian of Ra as he passes through the underworld every night, others that their own role as divine corruptors of the established order is inimical to the purity of light. Whether or not one of these is true, Setites take double damage from sunlight and suffer -2 to all tests while in light brighter than that of a large fireplace or firepit.

Notable Clan Members: Zohane Andrea, Prince of Water in Carinthia.
  • At the end of the first day, Sutekh-who-is-also-called-Set, God of Sandstorms and Outsiders, defeated the serpent Apep who sought to devour Ra-who-is-the-Sun; and each night Sutekh takes up this same task of defending his beloved brother-king and the kingdom he rules. At the end of the first day, Heru-pa-Khered-is-also-called-Horus, God of Rulership and Laws, told the lie-that-is-true shattering the citadel of Sutekh and casting him from the light; and each night Sutekh makes war on his hated brother-king to free those trapped within his prison of eternal servitude.

    And in the nights that followed Sutekh raised up the mightiest warriors, most devout priests, and wisest seers to protect and destroy the kingdom of mortals as He protected and destroyed the kingdom of the gods. And these are the Followers of Set who nurture and devour as the Nile nurtures and devours. And in the nights that followed a wanderer cast out by a cruel king came to Sutekh and stole from him the power of creation and destruction and with them made his own mighty citadel and his own pharaonic childer; but the wanderer was not a god and so his magics created only the form of the Followers without their divine essence, and so Sutekh weakened himself enough that his presence would not scour the world and went into the wanderer's city to minister to those within.

    Or so many Setites say; and some believe. Others say that these are just entertaining stories and that Setites are no different from any other vampire, and then they smile. If there is a single thing that most of the Clan might actually believe it is that order and stability must be weakened; while there are a few who seem, even to Clanmates who habitually reject appearance-as-truth, to embrace destruction for its own sake, many Followers appear to focus on the false certainties and overly rigid systems that they claim are obstacles to potential which must be cleared away so a better world can grow.

    Ironically, or perhaps entirely reasonably, the Clan was among the most determined in the ancient war against the Baali and remains devoted to the annihilation of demon-worship with a unity that makes other Clans seem hives of corruption.

    Whether or not they truly descend from the being who is the inspiration for myths of the God Set, most of the Followers and almost all Princes among them have resided in Egypt or the surrounding areas for as long as even vampire history relates. The majority of Setites follow a path of pharaoh as high priest, balancing the undermining of ordered society through overt and discreet means with converting others to their mission.

    However, two subclans exist, the Warriors of Glycon who embrace the role of the pharaoh as warleader and thus focus on strength rather than rhetoric, and the Witches of Echidna who identify most with the God of Outsiders and thus set aside politics and war to seek and understand the literal monstrous creatures mentioned in legends across the world. Although most Setites are of the priestly caste, it is the Warriors who have controlled the Clan for most of its history.

  • Setites are rare in Bavaria and the surrounding areas. Even those relatively few who leave the Clan's bases of power in Egypt tend to be viewed with some distrust by Princes and other representatives of vampiric order, and so are more likely to pass through than remain.

    Some who do make ongoing homes in the area are representatives of less wholeheartedly destructive sections of the Clan, most often seeking either more amenable relations in some specific political area or to peacefully curtail non-Setite interest in Egypt. Others, relying on the same tolerance for those who are more use than trouble as other vampiric radicals, see the decadent and oppressed of Europe as another source of recruits for their cults and debaucheries, whether pious or self-interested. Believing that there are spiritual truths in every culture's uses of mighty beasts as a symbol of corruption or primal chaos, Witches also spend centuries in academic and practical study of the myths and monsters of Bavaria.

    While some Setites have travelled from Egypt, most members of the Clan care only for a human's character and not their place of birth; thus a significant minority of Followers in the area, particularly among neonates and ancilla of higher generations, are Bavarian or European rather than Middle Eastern. Ironically, those Setites who do not match the stereotypical image of a red-headed Egyptian dripping with snake jewellery are those least likely to avoid the question of their Clan or even lie about it.

  • While they call themselves Followers, they hold themselves as leaders and so, while they might embrace those who use their own product they rarely consider those who might have come to need it. Each caste favours slightly different things in potential childer: the Priests most often seek those who are adept at drawing others away from mundane life, whether toward a genuinely held belief or the dead-end of debasement, such as questioning priests, demagogues, and bawds; the Warriors favour those who do not merely fight to win but also to see their opponent defeated, such as bullies, fanatics, and jaded watchpersons; the Witches seek a mind that holds two impossible truths while following a fable, such as farm hands who set off to see what is over the next hill and kept going, crazy outcasts who live in swamps, and unbiased scholars.

    Given their greater sensitivity to light and their frequent involvement in the more social aspects of mortal society, Setites rely even more heavily than other Clans on ghouls for those tasks that must be done, or are immeasurably easier, during the hours of daylight. Thus, many of their ghouls are bodyguards, messengers, or fixers. Whether heading a cult or a drug den, Setites also need trusted assistants. Therefore, they are likely to offer ghouldom as a reward to selected deacons or criminal lieutenants.

    While Setites might use the promise of eventual embrace or deeper secrets to tempt greater displays of service, neither the lineage of Set nor its strongest powers, such as Akhu, are usually bestowed on any but the most exceptional ghoul.