Obtaining Vitae
While Ghouls are spared the harrowing (or intoxicating) need to hunt the blood of humans, they face the equal burden of convincing their Domitor that they should spare more than the minimum amount of Vitae needed to keep their most loyal servant alive.
Depending on each ghoul’s personality and the reasons their Domitor chose them, each Ghoul finds a way to appear more valuable to their Domitor than whatever else they might use blood on. Some common methods listed below, however others can be agreed during character generation.
Common Methods of Being Useful
While age and power might allow your character’s Domitor to exceed mortal abilities in all areas, your character has realised they were chosen so their Domitor would not have to excel in one area.
Default Pool: Social + Profession or Craft
Any ghoul can deliver a demand or offer a concession but your character knows that their access to blood waxes and wanes not with their efforts, but with their ability to show that even apparent failure is a stepping stone to a victory no other could achieve.
Default Pool: Social + Politics
While competence in mundane tasks can make a Domitor’s unlife easier, your character realises that the best path to their Domitor’s affections is to make their unlife enjoyable.
Default Pool: Social + Performance or Composition
Just as the hound that consistently brings down the stag grows fat on the scraps, so your character has realised that their Domitor need not be stingy if they are never hungry.
Default Pool: Physical + Combat Skill
Your character’s Domitor might or might not have other servants to undertake specific tasks, but your character is the one that they rely on to administer the places and people they own so, that they need not be bothered by the trivial or tedious.
Default Pool: Mental + Seneschal