Downtime - Resting Actions

Sometimes kindred will need to go into Torpor, and ghouls will need to return to spend time with their Domitor in order to recover from the growing pressures of the world. However, this is not dead time for characters, as within Torpor they might seek to uncover new secrets of their Disciplines and use their mortal servants to continue to act on their behalf.

For each of your character’s downtime actions, the first question will always be whether the action is Active or Resting - the latter being an action taken in Torpor. If the action is to improve a Discipline or learn a new Keyword or Masterword, then this action continues as normal, but any other action will require a mortal servant to act on your behalf.

Here is the list of resting actions that a character can select from.

  • Just Resting - no orders given, just resting to ease the impact of the Tolls of Immortality.

  • Resting with Orders - resting as above, but with orders given to mortal servants to undertake something on your character’s behalf.
    A mortal servant can be either an Ally from the Ally Background, or a Ghoul or Retainer from the Thrall background. Allies are the strongest of these three, and ghouls are more powerful than retainers. However they are still NPCs, and so while they may try their best to follow their master’s guidance, they will do so in a way that the STs set out and will not be directly controlled by the character.

  • Learning a Discipline, Keyword or Masterword