DT: Missions and investigations


From pursuing plot threads through to gathering intelligence on other characters, this action covers a range of different areas, both PVE and PVP.  The key aspect of this action is that it is not inherently aggressive. The intent is to investigate and therefore gather information, not necessarily to act on that information. As such this could result in conflict; if for example your character investigates something which is dangerous and triggers that danger, or if they are caught while investigating in places that they should not be, or they trigger someone’s contingencies.

The ST team will adjudicate the limits of what your character is able to achieve while investigating over the extended periods of time, but will check with the player if there is a critical choice to be made about whether to act if such a choice is only available during the downtime period. For instance a group investigating missing peasants may find one being used for a ritual, and so the choice might be whether to save the peasant or allow them to die so that they can learn more by following the trail.


This action is very similar to the Investigate action, except the focus is on undertaking a specific action which is more likely to involve conflict and will assume that the group engages as necessary in order to achieve the objectives of the mission.

A specific plan for the mission will need to be submitted by at least one of the players of the characters involved, in which they outline the overall objectives for the mission. This person can also provide a detailed breakdown of what everyone is doing, but as they may not be aware of the resources that everyone is bringing to bear we would also expect any additional members to submit their own description of what they are doing with their own resources - especially if they wish these to remain secret.

In general we are looking for the following from everyone involved:

  • What their objectives are (this may vary from the overall mission objectives)

  • What forces they are bringing to bear (assets, backgrounds etc.) and how

  • What is the point where their character would leave? Are they all in until the final death, or will they run at the first sign of danger?

  • What, if any, treachery are they undertaking on the mission?