Growing your Character
Merits and Flaws, Backgrounds and changing Roads cannot be changed except through action by a character, or as a result of actions by other characters. There is no experience system that will allow you to purchase these, but equally they require no experience to be purchased, only for appropriate successful actions to be taken during the span of the game.
Characters can gain new skills or develop their existing skills over the time that they have available to them and this is the primary area that characters will grow from session to session. Disciplines can be learned through downtime actions, but there will also be some opportunities over the longer downtime periods (time-skips) where characters may automatically gain some additional points to spend on these in addition to any development they may have made through downtime actions.
Regular Downtimes
For participating in an uptime session, characters will gain 1 experience point to spend on skills. This is the only way characters have to increase skills in the game and reflects their ability to grow and learn new things over the intervening time between sessions. There is a section in the downtime submission form to indicate what skills you would like to spend this XP on.
Costs to increase skills in downtime
Skills: 1 point to buy a new skill or increase a skill by 1 level
Multiple-Field Skills: 1 point to buy a new skill or increase a skill by 1 level
If you increase the primary skill to 3, you get a free secondary. If you increase the primary skill to 5, you get a free tertiary as well.
1 point for an additional field (begins as a tertiary field)
1 point to upgrade a field from tertiary to secondary
1 point to upgrade a field from secondary to primary
Time Skips
When the game experiences a longer time-skip, then characters will receive a larger pool of points to increase their skills.
They will also receive an additional, separate pool of points to spend on Disciplines, Keywords and Masterwords without needing to use downtime actions to increase/learn them.
Costs to increase Disciplines in time-skips
Discipline Level: 2 points per level / 3 points for out of clan
Keyword: 2 points per Keyword / 3 points for out of clan
Masterword: 3 points per Masterword / 4 points for out of clan
It is only possible to spend these points to enhance disciplines that the character already knows, or unlearned disciplines which are in-clan. It is not possible to learn new disciplines with these points without spending downtime actions to do so.
The exact number of points that players will receive to spend on skills and disciplines for each time-skip will vary, and will be communicated to players at the time. Points not spent will be lost, they cannot be carried over.