Domains of Bavaria
Domain Information
This information may be considered public knowledge for any character who feels they would have a reason to know it. A character who has never been to Bavaria before may know less than somebody who has dwelt in the area for centuries, but we leave that up to player discretion.
Each Domain has the holder of Praxis mentioned, and the normal location where Court is normally held (if there is one), as well as a brief description. This description, being a summary of public opinion, may be biased!
Domain Key
The Margraviate of Nordgau (Blue)
The Duchy / March of Bavaria (Yellow)
The Bavarian East March (Red)
The Bavarian Wilds (Green)
The Margraviate of Nordgau
Held by: First Duke Erminaz of Clan Ventrue
Primary Court: Ratisbon
The heart of this beautiful forested region is Ratisbon, which is a major trade hub both for ships running along the Rhine and the roads from the northern territories running down through the hills. Underneath this heavily gilded and Christian mortal realm lies a less glamorous kindred court, which holds to old Germanic and pagan traditions. Erminaz has held this domain for four centuries, more or less, having seized praxis from a fellow Ventrue Ancilla Caius, childe of Antonius the Gaul, who now resides in Constantinople.
In order to visit this domain it is customary to present oneself to the protector of the domain, a position titled ‘Turi’ or ‘The Gate’. Those merely passing through may be able to manage with letters to a rare position of power held by a ghoul in the domain entitled ‘Brugga’ or ‘The Bridge’ who facilitates a great deal in the domain. Those who have visited find that the courts are held in locations which hark back to older times, with an old Germanic feast hall being the favourite where ‘Ano’ or ‘Grandfather’ recounts stories and histories both old and new and encourages others to contribute their own tales.
While conflicts emerge in the domain, especially as it holds to older practices and traditions, all travellers are welcomed so long as they behave themselves. Those who do will find themselves treated with respect and their feeding preferences accommodated by the court should they wish. Any who do not will soon find a grievance raised in one of the First Duke’s regular petition sessions, and themselves subject to Erminaz’s mercy or justice.
The Duchy / March of Bavaria
Held by: The Lady of Salt of Clan Lasombra
Primary Court: Salzburg
The March of Bavaria was founded three centuries ago by its current ruler, a methuselah known as the Lady of Salt. Despite its longevity, this domain is as politically chaotic as they come, the business of the night being run by a parody of ancient Roman custom and law that frequently leaves outsiders baffled. Two semi-elected Consuls wield most of the executive and judicial power of the domain on the Lady's behalf, but by her will the death penalty is almost never applied even for grave crimes. Instead, ordeals of suffering or deeds of penance are favoured, though it is said that the truly corrupt are buried in salt for a century or two to shrive them of their sins.
The vampires of this domain most commonly meet at Forum in Salzburg, a relatively unstructured gathering consisting of a mix of individual business, public announcements, legal cases and displays of rhetoric. The Lady herself only rarely appears as an ethereal veiled figure, usually in order to judge capital cases or to lead some important religious ceremony. There are also rumours of shrouded rites open to a select few, held far from town in the ice caves of Undermountain.
The Bavarian East March
Held by: Kral Veleslav of Clan Gangrel
Primary Court: Vienna
The Court of Masks is ruled from Vienna, this domain had earned a reputation as a fiercely independent territory, avoiding the conflicts that surround it. Instead, the officers of the court were known to act as mediators for all kinds of negotiations; from trade discussions and peace talks through to discreet war councils.
Since Praxis was seized from the previous holder - the Pawnbroker - some years ago the domain is undergoing the usual period of turmoil that follows such a power shift, as the new Prince adjusts things to suit his goals. While there has been no public suggestion that the domain is no longer a neutral territory, recent political movements surrounding preservation of unspoiled lands and the old ways have caused some concern that Vienna’s neutrality is no longer assured.
The Prince has several court officers appointed. These are
The Judge, Caedmon of the Children of Haqim
The Whisperer, Josef of Clan Nosferatu
The Envoy, Vasili of Clan Gangrel
The Seneschal, Stanislaw of Clan Tzimisce.
The Bavarian Wilds
Held by: Queen of Dawn Auralia of Clan Malkavian, and King of Dusk Barrak of Clan Gangrel
Primary Court: Brenner Pass
The so-called domain of the Bavarian Wilds, held by a pair of Princes of the Low Clans, is a place looked down upon by many Cainites. For those who do visit, they find it to be a stunningly dangerous place; the Kindred who dwell here are notoriously prickly about dignity, and judge people on their behaviour while in the domain rather than the status they hold in other domains. They also have frankly barbaric practices that seem designed to shock and offend even the most liberal sensibilities. It is also rumoured that the Princes take an explicitly dim view of betrayal, ordering the slaughter of whole coteries at a time…
Court is usually held near the Brenner Pass, and the agenda usually consists of the Princes making any announcements needed, followed by passing judgement on disputes. Often then there will be games of skill and cunning, such as leaping over ever-larger fires or stealing from a sleeping victim.