Combat - Weapons

Other than using one’s fists, or claws created with disciplines such as Protean or Vicissitude, wielding a weapon in combat requires that the character has a physical representation of this weapon. Carrying this in session may require gaining permission from the Prince or other host of the uptime session, or risk giving offence.

Although this is a non-contact LARP, all weapons must still be LARP-safe. The final decision on whether a weapon is LARP-safe rests with the ST team.

The type of weapon used acts as a cap to the amount of damage that an attack will do, before any additional effects from Disciplines or similar are applied.

Weapon Type Fists Small Weapon, Claws, Fangs One-Handed Weapon, Bow Two-Handed Weapon
Damage Cap 1 2 3 4

Once the amount of damage has been determined and capped appropriately, any additional effects from Disciplines or similar can be applied.