The Children of Haqim

Sobriquets: Assamites, Judges

Status in Vienna: Low Clan

Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus

Unique Non-Clan Discipline: Dur-An-Ki

Clan Flaw: Inner Judge. The blood of the Children of Haqim is infused by Haqim’s obsession with an ordered and just society, inspiring them to identify with a socially progressive role, whether punisher of transgressors or vizier to kings. While this is not strong enough to be an obsession, and the Children of Haqim can accept imperfection in others, the slightest moral failing on their own part horrifies them. As such, they do not have the same leeway to commit sins against their Road as other Clans; they do not deduct their Tenets upheld from their sins committed when calculating whether they can gain or may lose Road rating.

Notable Clan Members:
  • While usually not objecting to being called Assamites or Judges, members of the Clan habitually name themselves the Children of Haqim after their founder, who continues to rule them. From the First City onward, the Children of Haqim have named themselves a force of justice and order amidst the debaucheries of vampire society. At their best, the Judges blend law and compassion, striving to build a vampire society where all thrive. At their worst, Judges impose impossible standards, punishing perceived transgressors without regard to circumstance.

    Following the fall of the Second City, Haqim and the Children withdrew into a mountain range in what would become the Middle East to build a citadel where the politics and perversions of other Clans would not pollute their highest ideals. While the Children no longer confine themselves to this citadel, some spend their entire unlives within its walls and even those embraced elsewhere usually make a pilgrimage at the first opportunity.

    While most Children adopt the same role as their founder, that of judge (and, if needed, enforcer of that judgement) some devote themselves to the study of justice, civilisation, and the noblest arts to better advise or inspire others, or to understanding of the order that underpins creation itself to perceive the ideal moment or command the world itself. Over the centuries, this has created two small subclans, the Vizier and Sorcerer castes who each manifest Haqim's blessings in a slightly different way from their more populous siblings.

    Despite Haqim's desire to stand aside from the politics that destroyed the First and Second Cities, the Children are not of a single mind. Vampires who lived mortal lives under the Code of Hammurabi or among mountain tribes argue whether it is more important that the law be clearly stated so all might know it or be shaped by individual circumstance so all might receive the fairest outcome. Idealists and pragmatists argue over whether justice is a blessing that requires the consent of those governed or must be imposed where it is most needed. And, while the Clan's fixation on moral purity has always made religion a central topic in debate, the requirement for Muslims to place nothing before Allah has inflamed the question of whether the Children owe their first loyalty to Justice as an abstract or to Haqim himself.

    So far, Haqim has not personally proclaimed his views on the potential divisions within his Clan and has refused requests to do so. Some Children see this silence as an answer, that each member of the Clan must find the truth rather than have it handed to them; some see it as a test of worthiness as potential Childer are tested, with those who have not corrected their wayward siblings destined to be punished beside them when Haqim's patience reaches its end; others fall somewhere between these extremes or have another theory or none at all.

  • Few Children of Haqim enter or make their homes in Central Europe. Obedient to Haqim's decree that his children absent themselves from the petty conflicts of vampire society, many Children hold a doctrine of strict isolationism from other Clans so shun what they see as the decadence and disorder of Bavaria and Europe as a whole. Others, while not disdaining other vampires completely, are aware Northern Europe is far from their seats of power in Persia and so do not consider the advantages worth the risk. However, whether demanding isolation or not, there are times when the Judges have a need to speak to their cousins in the West and so will send an ambassador.

    In addition to these ambassadors, some Children either see the risk as worth taking for the reward or as something their duty requires they bear. Judges point to Haqim's self-appointed task of bringing order to vampires in the First City and seek appointment as sheriffs and scourges, either to support the justice that exists or impose that which they believe lacking. Viziers seek to guide Princes toward a more just praxis or to study the laws and societies of Northern Europe to better understand the nature of justice. Sorcerers come seeking more abstruse goals or simply smile and say their presence here at this moment was decreed at the moment of creation.

    As those Children present are likely to be here to perform some goal, whether for the Clan or personal, there is no clear leadership or organisation. However, as loyalty is one of the strongest criteria for embracing childer, many Judges are more likely to obey an ambassador from the Clan than a Judge present for personal reasons.

  • Potential childer are usually chosen not for the skills of their body but the purity of their soul. Although Viziers and Sorcerers put more stock in existing ability in the noble or mystical arts, all Children look first to a candidate's commitment to justice and proven loyalty to a greater society. What constitutes justice and how strong a loyalty differ between Children. Thus, a Judge is as likely to embrace an illiterate labourer who starves rather than default on a debt as they are a poet-king.

    Unless circumstances require haste, candidates serve an extended apprenticeship as their potential sire's ghoul during which their soul is tested and refined, and their body and mind trained in the skills they lack. While some apprentices are embraced after less than a decade, others undergo a longer refining: some because their sire wishes a greater proof of readiness; some because they have committed to a final extended task that requires they be among humans; and some for other reasons, often imperfectly known to them.

    As almost all Children have been ghouls themselves, they can be more compassionate domitors than those of other clans, treating them as more-than-human rather than less-than-vampire. However, being unliving proof that it is possible to overcome the burdens of ghouldom, they can equally disdain excuses that other Clans might accept.

    Apart from those apprentices being considered for the Embrace, the almost-obsessively insular Children use ghouls not merely as servants but as intermediaries in wider vampire society where a member of another Clan might task a neonate.