Clan Cappadocian

Sobriquets: The Clan of Death, Scholars of the Soul, Graverobbers (derogatory)

Status in Vienna: High Clan

Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy

Clan Flaw: Faded Passions. So deep and wide were the necromantic experiments practised by Cappadocius that the blood of his descendants resonates with the inevitability of death. While this does not prevent Cappadocians feeling emotions or succumbing to frenzy, it does make the struggle against the Beast seem more a philosophical curiosity than a burning necessity. All Cappadocians require an extra level of success to avoid losing Road Rating.

Notable Clan Members: Cassandra, Oracle and Prince of Verona. Husina, Bishop-Prince of Spires and Worms. Lucius Rufius Piso, Yule Sentinel of Carinthia
  • To plumb the depths of death and attempt to understand what lies beyond the veil, to control and even defy the very nature of life and death. To discern the very nature of mortality and know if there is something greater that can be achieved. From their progenitor to all those who have joined him, this is the quest of the Cappadocians.

    The Cappadocians have many names, the clan of death, scholars of the soul, graverobbers. Yet however people might view or perceive them, the truth is that the clan is more often than not one of sombre scholars, more at home in a book than in the world at large. They seek to uncover the mysteries of death, much as Cappadocius has since he became a kindred. Of all the clans the Cappadocians are the least involved in clan politics, more so than even the Salubri or Children of Haqim whose tendency has been to avoid such conflicts.

    The clan's home is in the lands of the Byzantine empire where they have a large mountain monastery called Erciyes, a large complex dedicated to the study of death and God. It is a Christian temple, a faith which many of the clan tend to follow. Yet the scholars of the clan have spread far and wide from this heartland, seeking out knowledge wherever it may lie across the globe.

    Cappadocians do not tend to seek out power in the mortal world or the courts of the kindred. That is not to say they are not important within the vampiric courts though, they are a High Clan and their members tend to be learned and highly intelligent individuals, meaning that it would be highly unwise to underestimate them.

  • As one might expect from a clan of scholars, the Cappadocians hold more bureaucratic positions across the region. They are also prevalent in the monasteries which were founded across the Holy Roman Empire in the last few centuries.

    Despite their overall size, there is not an abundance of the clan in the region. Many remain in Erciyes and beyond this their enclaves tend to cluster around more stable regions with larger populations.

  • The clan tends to embrace individuals with a thirst for knowledge or those with an interest or connection to the world of the dead. Their founder was slow to sire any childer; indeed he may have been the last of any of his siblings to do so. But since bringing others into the clan, the Cappadocians have surprisingly become the most populous of all the thirteen clans. For such a large clan they are unusually unified due to the clear purpose and direction handed down by Cappadocius himself. Most continue this work dutifully, but of course there are those who buck this trend.

    Complementing this uniformity, the clan's mortal servants tend to fill whatever need the clan's members might have. For some, prospective childe might often be ghouled first and go through an extensive period of review to ensure that they are worthy of the gift before being embraced. For others the idea of ghouling a prospective childe for a long time is a waste of time and effort, instead if someone shows the right potential then they may look to embrace them into the clan as soon as possible.

    Generally the clan ghoul for practical reasons: warriors to provide protection, servants who they need to remain loyal in the face of 'questionable' practices with the dead, mortals who provide access to useful sources of information like libraries. There are also other groups, those who might fancy themselves necromancers for instance, who might need to be ghouled for control or to provide interesting theories. While these may not quite have the right disposition or beliefs for entry into the clan proper, they can be useful tools for a period as well.