We have made a number of changes to White Wolf’s setting. While not all of these will be common knowledge and facts about the world of Tenebrae are referred to both individually in the setting guide and amidst the rules, for the convenience of players a brief list of those public differences from the various White Wolfs settings is presented here.
Tzimisce do not have Vicissitude as a clan discipline. Instead the default Tzimisce build is the Koldunic Sorcerer.
Children of Haqim are neither cursed with an addiction to vampire blood nor violently allergic to it.
Children of Haqim are not solely or predominantly male.
The skin of Children of Haqim does not darken as they age.
While the Ravnos exist, there is no Ravnos presence in Europe. The Ravnos are also not associated with the Rom or criminality in general.
There are no True Brujah.
All vampires are members of one of the Clans. No independent bloodlines exist. A few clans have sub-clans within them with a slightly different discipline spread but these are still part of the main Clan.
Caitiff is a derogatory term used to refer to those who claim no lineage, whether because they do not know their sire or refuse to admit to them. While there are vampires who do not openly state their Clan, there are no known Caitiff in the sense of vampires who are not members of a Clan. A few ancient low-generation vampires aside, those who claim no lineage will not survive long in kindred society unless a Clan adopts them.
There will still not have been True Brujah.
The Salubri are, while sometimes seen as odd, a respected Clan rather than pariahs.
Ghouls do not automatically start to display a minor version of a Clan Flaw (Revenants still do).
The start and future of all clans, including those which do not exist, are not yet written. The Salubri and Cappadocians may survive, the Tremere and Giovanni may never see their embrace.
More generally, while the ST team have considered what is likely to happen after the game starts, nothing in White Wolf canon that occurs after that point in history is guaranteed to happen.