Boon Types

Non-Trivial Boons

Below is a list of the types of boons used in Cainite society, excluding Trivial Boons which are discussed further down.

  • The most costly and rare of boons. In simple terms, a kindred owning the life debt of another can ask them to do almost anything for as long as the debt remains unpaid.

    While the individual holding the boom may decide not to demand services of the debtor, the debt is only repaid when they save the life of their debtee or die trying.

  • A debt of significant magnitude, it can only be repaid by the debtor risking significant blood on behalf of the holder or by performing tasks of equivalent worth.

    It is up to the individuals involved to decide when the life boon is settled. However, examples of suitable repayments include betraying a close ally, openly supporting the holder in a violent seizure of praxis, or fighting to the death against a superior opponent to allow the holder to escape.

  • These are significant debts which require a kindred to undertake a similarly significant course of action. These kinds of boons should involve some amount of personal risk, be it physical or social, and may take a significant amount of time to repay.

    A major boon might equate such things as a significant exchange of assets, undertaking multiple downtime actions for someone, using as much political influence as is necessary to throw an entire vote in a particular direction, using influence to banish a person, or making changes (or working to effect changes) in hunting domains.

  • These are debts that require a kindred to go out of their way to pay them off. They should have some small level of cost, and may involve some limited risk either physical or social.

    A minor boon might equate to the loaning of a smaller asset for a period of time, undertaking a downtime action for someone, casting a vote in someone’s favour, using influence to warn or perhaps censure someone in session, or providing support via funds, allies or other resources.

Trivial Boons

Trivial boons are the night-to-night currency of the court, representing the fleeting but still noticeable political effect of being seen with—or ignored by—the right people, the tendency of power to protect power, and other nebulous assumptions and implications that shift opinion or action without being explicit promises. Depending on their status, each character may gain the ability to award a number of Trivial Boons each session.

The awarding, transfer and repayment of Trivial Boons is considered below the notice of the Boon Keepers, therefore should not be recorded with the use of boon slips.

Each minor display of respect or censure costs one or more tokens. The table on the Status in Play page shows how many trivial boons a character will receive at the beginning of each session.

Representation of Trivial Boons

The ST team will provide out-of-character tokens which represent the mechanical aspect of the Trivial Boon rules. Players may also choose to create their own in-character representations which the recipient might wear as, for example, a knight would wear his lady’s kerchief upon his lance.

Players are not obliged to provide in-character representations or to display any their character might receive.

An honourable person would obviously pass on (or not display) a mark of favour once they had expended the trivial boon it related to; however it is left to characters to make this decision for themselves or to take action against those they feel are acting without propriety. If relevant, any character who deliberately—or accidentally—wears a mark of favour they are not entitled to must declare that to the ST team when listing potential adjustments to their Road.

Use of Trivial Boons

The below actions can be undertaken with Trivial Boons - the description of each limitation effect is included with the action details.

  • An incentive or bribe to another character to agree to resolve a matter without a test. To reflect the political advantage of merely being seen with the right people, a smile from a Prince, and other intangibles, when two players attempt to agree a roleplay resolution to character conflict without a test, one may offer the other one or more tokens in exchange for accepting their proposed solution.

    As representations of fickle and fleeting shifts in vampire society, the number of Trivial Boons an act is worth might vary between domains or even moments; thus it is up to characters to decide whether and how many tokens to suggest to avoid the need for a test.

  • To place the Warned limitation on another character of equal or lower status for an hour. This must have a cause (see the Cause table below) and be announced publicly. A character wishing to issue a Warning must first discuss with the ST team and the affected character. Issuing a warning costs one Trivial Boon.

    If about to be subjected to a Warning, a character may surrender Trivials to reflect nebulous political standing making it harder to justify punishment for their behaviour.

    For each Trivial Boon surrendered, the potential Warner must surrender another of their trivials to place the status on the character. This bidding war continues until one character cannot, or chooses not to, continue, whereupon the status is either imposed or not.

    Any trivial boons spent in this way are surrendered to the ST team, not to the other character.

    Effect: A warned character is forbidden from starting a conversation with any character of higher status than them for the hour’s duration of the Warning. If caught violating this ban, any character of greater status may expend a trivial boon to immediately replace the Warned limitation with the Censured limitation.

    The characters involved are responsible for keeping track of the hour. In the event that there is a question over whether or not the hour has expired, the highest status character with an opinion is right.

    There may be other or alternate restrictions placed on Warned characters dependent on Domain. For example, in a martially focused domain they may be forced to duel for the entertainment of the Court.

  • To place the Censured limitation on another character of equal or lower status until next session. This must be announced publicly and have cause (see table below). A character wishing to issue a Censure must first discuss with a Ref and the affected character. Placing a warning costs two trivials.

    If about to be subjected to a Censure, a character may surrender trivial boons to reflect nebulous political standing making it harder to justify punishment for their behaviour.

    The potentially affected character must surrender two trivials to oppose a censure. The potential Censurer may choose to surrender another trivial to place the status on the character which the target may oppose by surrendering another trivial. This bidding war continues until one character cannot, or chooses not to, continue, whereupon the status is either imposed or not.

    Any trivial boons spent in this way are surrendered to the ST team, not to the other character.

    Effect: In addition to extending the Warned prohibition to cover the remainder of the session, the Censured character will—depending on which domain the offence occurs in—be subject to increased scrutiny or compelled to perform some non-trivial task.

    In more socially focused domains, it is likely that there will be an investigation into the affairs of the censured Kindred, often by their sponsors. If the affected character is an Elder, in addition to the immense social scandal, this investigation might well be carried out by one or more Officers of the Court and the results made public.

    In more martial domains, the offender could be required to face the Prince’s champion, or the Prince themselves, in single combat.

    Additionally, while a Kindred is censured, their status counts as one lower.

  • By surrendering two trivial boons to a Ref, a Prince may banish a character from their domain. It is up to the Prince whether or not they choose to enforce this with a Bloodhunt.

    Banishment should always have a justification, if only to reassure those powerful Kindred within the court that prop up the Prince’s rule, that they will not be summarily banished for little to no reason. This must be announced publicly and can only be done in the last hour of play.

    A banishment may be extended to a group of characters connected to the same offences by surrendering an additional trivial boon per two additional characters in the group beyond the first.

    Any trivial boons spent in this way are surrendered to the ST team, not to the other character.

    At the end of a session, all unused Trivial Boon tokens will be placed in the envelope of the character who held the boon at the end of the session, not to the character who gave the Trivial Boon. If unspent Trivial Boons are not included in the holding character’s envelope, they will not receive any further benefits that might have been gained from having them.

    Effect: The Banished character loses the hospitality of a domain, placing them in extreme danger should they remain or further trespass. This is likely to impose significant penalties on the management of any assets in the area and increase the risk of complications if travelling into or through the domain as part of a downtime action.

    The character counts as Status 0 in the domain (unless their status would be lower for some other reason) and holds no rights or protections.

    Many Princes consider remaining or returning an insult that justifies a deadly response. However, the ST team will not bar players who have been Banished from attending any session; therefore, a Prince who wishes to impose any additional consequences beyond the lack of Status is responsible for attempting to enforce them in session or the subsequent downtimes.

    The Banished limitation is only applied after a potential malfeasor has demonstrated an ongoing disdain for the domain they are currently within. To represent this universally followed convention, even if a vampire manages to become Warned and then Censured within a short period of a session starting, they may not be Banished until the final hour of the session.

    Again, by universally followed convention, a vampire who is Banished is permitted time to put their affairs in order and make arrangements to depart the domain; therefore a Banished character may participate in the remainder of the session. This grace period can be used to seek the rescinding of the Banishment.

    The ST team will assume that a vampire who is Banished may leave the domain safely without needing a downtime action to so do. However, this only covers the vampire’s person and a few belongings rather than their entire holdings; characters who wish to sort out a haven in a new domain or put arrangements in place to manage properties within the domain they are leaving will therefore need to either arrange that in session or devote downtime actions to it.

    The Banished limitation endures until revoked.

  • By making a clear statement of their position and surrendering one or more trivials, a character may support or oppose the potential imposition of a Warning or Censure (but not Banishment) on another character.

    These surrendered trivials add to the attacker’s or defender’s totals on a one-for-one basis.

Cause for Limitations

Most courts don’t like their Elders or Officers pursuing public vendettas without cause. A certain level of decorum is expected of the luminaries of the court and such action requires at least a pretence, no matter how flimsy, of having due cause.

The table below indicates the minimum offence commonly required to trigger this power without those of equal or greater status overriding it. Some Princes may be touchier or more callous than others, and therefore the minimum offence in their court may be higher or lower than shown.

PC Princes may make the rules of their domain as simple or nuanced as they wish, but will be responsible for maintaining and publicising their list or appointing someone to do so on their behalf. Princes who do not fulfil this duty might find their domain considered lawless by other Princes. This could result in such complications as domain positions being disregarded, or even tacit support being given to other powerful kindred to help stabilise the domain.

Limitation Typical Minimum Offence
Warned Public Insult, discourtesy towards one’s Elder or public trespassing. Repeated public provocation.
Censured Public Injury or Substantiated damages to the holdings of one's betters. Ignoring the effects of the Warned status.
Banished Threat to the Domain, Threat to the Prince, Ignoring previous rulings*

*All offences listed for Banished are suggestions to the Prince of a Domain. They can of course ignore it, as the Prince can do almost all things, but do recall: Sic Semper Tyrannis.